Summer Baking Tips Aug 30th 2011, 10:00 I've you're like me, you've just got to make desserts. (And eat them too, of course.) The problem is you don't want to heat up the house anymore than necessary during the hot summer months. So you don't have to give up baking, here are some tips to help make dessert making and baking a little cooler.  Photo © 2009 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. This way your kitchen, and your house, have a chance of cooling-off before the real heat of the day begins.  Photo © 2006 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. Doughs, like cookie and some bread, can be put in the refrigerator for a day or two before baking. I prefer to make my Sugar Cookie at least the day before. Many times I will freeze dough and just pull out what I need at the time.  Photo © 2009 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. There are many dessert recipes that are made in the microwave. Plus, the microwave is great for preparing your ingredients instead of using the stove. I always melt my chocolate in the microwave.  Photo © 2009 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. If you need to bake during the heat of the day, why not use your toaster oven. If your toaster oven is like mine, it also has a convection oven setting. Convection ovens cook quicker and more evenly as most of them have a fan which spreads the heat around. Check your manual to adjust your recipes for the correct baking time.  Photo © 2009 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. Believe it or not, but you can bake in your crockpot. It takes a while, but it's worth not heating up your house unnecessarily.  2009 Basic Trifle Photo by Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to Use these suggestions to make with your own desserts using store-bought items like pound and angel food cakes.  Photo © 2008 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. Ice Cream and other Frozen Treats are typically made without using the stove or oven. Just remember if any cooking is involved, do it early in the day or in the microwave.  Photo © 2009 Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. Don't Forget the Fruit. Summer is the best time for eating mother nature's desserts. Ice cold fruit is some of the best desserts you can have.  | |
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