Got someone who wants to start pie baking? Want to get more into it yourself? Here's a list of items that will help in that baking quest. There are two ways to use this list. One way is to click on the items. That will take you to Pricegrabber, Inc. which will give you several price levels and product options. The second way is to just use it as a guide. You may already have these items in your kitchen or garage. Better yet, take this guide the next time you go to a yard and/or garage sale. It's amazing what you can pick-up for practically nothing.

2009 Pie Plate Photo by Pricegrabber, licensed to You can't bake a pie without a pie plate. I prefer glass as you can see the crust browning while baking. On the other hand ceramic pie plates are often very decorative. It's your choice.

2009 Photo by Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. There are many types of rolling pins out there. If you're just starting out, purchase a good solid
wooden rolling pin with handles. There will be plenty of time to check-out other types of rolling pins like the
French Rolling Pin. It's lack the handles that many bakers feel give them more control over the dough. Some of the French rolling pins come with colored silicone coatings and some are just wooden.
Stainless Steel and
Ceramic Rolling Pins are liked as they help to keep the dough cool. Ceramic Rolling Pins can be very decorative and are sometimes hard to find.

2009 Pie Board Photo by Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to It just makes it easier to roll-out pie dough if you have a special board to do it on. I have a wooden one, but some like marble better. You can ice-down the marble to keep your pastry-making surface cooler.

2009 Pastry Blender Photo by Pricegrabber, Inc., licensed to A pastry blender is used to blend the butter/shortening into the flour. You could just use two knives in a scissors-fashion instead, but using a pastry blender is much easier. A food processer can also be used to blend the flour. Personally, I prefer a pastry blender over the food processor, as I have more control over the finished product.

2009 Pie Container Photo by Pricegrabber, Inc, licensed to Use a pie container to keep your pie airtight. I have several sized ones for different sized pies.

2009 Pie Crust Shields Photo by Pricegrabber Inc., licensed to I have a set of pie crust shields. They're okay, but I seem to do better with a 3-inch wide piece of foil around the edges of the crust. I think your better off with an all-in-one piece that goes over your pie.

2008 Pie Weights Photo by Pricegrabber, Inc, licensed to Pie Weights are used when a pie crust is baked blind (without a filling). The weights hold down the pasty so it doesn't bubble-up during baking. You can get the same results by using dried beans or rice. I do recommend them if you bake a lot of pies. The weights can be cleaned for re-use.

2009 Photo by Pricegrabber Inc., licensed to You need at least one good mixing bowl, but two would be better. Mine are stainless steel, but ceramic and/or plastic will work as well.

2009 Rolling Pin Rings Photo by Pricegrabber, Inc., licensed to Rolling Pine Rings help you roll-out a close to perfect sized crust. This way you'll end-up with a round 10-inch pastry instead of an oblong one. Personally, I eyeball my crusts, but that doesn't always work out for me.

2009 Measuring Flour Photo by Carroll Pellegrinelli, licensed to, Inc. All baking recipes require the used of measuring cups and spoons. A well-turned out pie depends on accuracy.